Hear Upon the Wind | Teen Ink

Hear Upon the Wind

April 24, 2009
By Robert Owens BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
Robert Owens BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Midnight Hour
Hear Upon the Wind
double digits
count up and then divide
Secrets of the threshold
few ever will divine
upon this mighty hour
with the wind ill fly
where Ill go I know not yet
but that here at midnight ride
down the paths of long ago
seek that hidden thrill
Alone at last I truly feel
In a world thats gone to hell
Hear the tower as it rings
Church bells sacred call and sing
A meeting hour for Gods and Men
This is where the Sacred Dwells
Here upon the Wind

The author's comments:
Sometimes the Thing we Need Most to Do is what we Fear to Face.


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