The Pain in my Heart | Teen Ink

The Pain in my Heart

January 13, 2019
By ifaria7767 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
ifaria7767 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced. — Malala Yousafzai

I once lived in a beautiful house

Silver plates and spoons for every meal

I once had no worries at all

It was all too perfect, all too real

Soon enough, the walls that once kept me warm

Vanished, unexpected I could’ve sworn

Now I live in a cardboard home

Freezing on cold winter days

Now I struggle to find food

Many times that the dumpster betrays

Empty soul and empty mind, I crave

Waiting for someone to come save

I once had many shirts and jeans

To choose from every day

I once ran with the wind in the meadow

Embracing the warm glow of the sun’s ray

Thanksgiving feasts

We ate like beasts

Now I only own a pair of shirt and jeans

Ripped and tattered with brown spots below

Now I only shower once a month

No warm baths, but with frozen snow

I beg for spare change holding out my hand

At day’s end a penny if I’d be damned

And once

Someone passed by

And he held

An apple pie

But when he saw me

He just looked away.

And every day when I sleep

Tears gush out

But I keep wishing

And wishing that someone

Will take me

Away from this pain

Away from my misery

Please, all I beg

Is for someone to look

And take this pain away

The pain in my heart

Tears me apart.

The author's comments:

 I first felt inspired to write it when I was walking down the 34th street train station in New York City and noticed some homeless people. My friends and I just came back from a competition where we got dinner to take home. Instead, upon seeing the many homeless men and women of all ages, we decided to give up our food for them. They were overly joyed by our gesture. Looking around, I saw others pass by without even sparing a glance at these people, who've lost everything. I wondered what if the passersby were suddenly in the shoes of the homeless people. Boarding the train, I thought about this more and started writing my thoughts. These thoughts were what created this poem. Living in New York City, homelessness is a big issue, which we, New Yorkers, often tend to ignore or forget. With this poem, I hope to bring more awareness to the lives of homeless people and make others realize that they're humans too. 

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