The innocent | Teen Ink

The innocent

February 1, 2019
By Et BRONZE, Durban, Other
Et BRONZE, Durban, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her eyes are red and full off fear or maybe whats to follow she didnt want to hear.

The marks on her shoulder and back as well, her hate and disgust from the man from hell.

She fought and struggled and his shirt tore but it angered him more and more, his aim.more blood and gore!

Evil he was. (  not now he thaught) , her dignity i need to deminish! 

He raped her and ruined her life! 

He ended it all with a knife!

The author's comments:

I am an emotion teen.i feel pain for situations like this.seeing or hearing bout others defame and how they are wronged and how the culprits are sometimes set free angers i use my writing hoping to enspire people n help give them knowledge of how cruel the world can be.

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