Times Are A-Changin' | Teen Ink

Times Are A-Changin'

February 7, 2019
By Anonymous

Chain-bound ankles, flesh burnt like toast

It is the same from coast to coast.

Battered faces and whiplashes

Memories fade, gone in flashes

A man once spoke, “I have a dream.”

But could he ever hear our screams?

“Freedom! Freedom!” My babies cried.

A cause for which their father died

“Black lives matter!” They scream and shout.

Protest fill the street, chanting ‘bout

Recall Trayvon and Emmett Till

Fight for justice. That is my will.

The author's comments:

This poem is unlike any other poem I have written so far. My other poems, which I published with Creative Communications, were not as developed. As I advance more as a poet, I want to expand on the topics that I write about, which includes difficult topics such as racism and discrimination. "Times Are A-Changin'" was actually a poem I wrote for school and was encouraged to publish.

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