The Spell | Teen Ink

The Spell

April 29, 2009
By iScareBear GOLD, Macomb, Michigan
iScareBear GOLD, Macomb, Michigan
16 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am more than i appear...

There are butterflies in my stomach
I don’t know how he could have done it
Every time I see him
My head begins to spin
He’s alone!
Go talk to him!
Come on!
Take the bait!
So up to him I walk
Surprisingly I begin to talk
All of his attention was now on me
My heart felt as if it was going to burst with glee!
Then I could see the moon
Oh why did the party have to end so soon?

The next day he asked me out
I was so happy I wanted to shout!

For months we had been dating
I could feel his love quickly fading
Then I saw him kiss another girl
I was so sickened I wanted to hurl!
He had promised me that he would stay true
The girl was my best-friend too!
He had never even kissed me before
At my heart this deeply tore
When he saw me I started to run
He knew then that we were done
When I stopped my heart just fell
It now seemed so long ago that I had been under his spell


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