Winter Angel | Teen Ink

Winter Angel

April 25, 2009
By AngelWithoutHerWings SILVER, Crescent City, California
AngelWithoutHerWings SILVER, Crescent City, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

White around me
Dizzying and concerting
From the bitter bite of cold I flee
I know my beautiful fallen angel is loving
Have to keep going
The angels cry
Snowflakes are around me, glowing
If only I could fly
It's been two to five hours
Yet it's been only one second
Is this that fallen angel's powers?
This is what I reckon
Then isn't he coming?
My lucky star?
God, this cold is numbing
He can't be that far
Wait, I see him now
Off in that snowy distance
To stay alive was my vow
To stay with resistance
It's not cold anymore
How wonderful
It was dangerous before
Now it feels like i'm wrapped in wool
I see his face
Why is he crying?
I walk to him to embrace
Why is he denying?
He says It's time to go
I ask What for?
He closes his violet eyes and replies You're dying.


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