A Fierce Night | Teen Ink

A Fierce Night

May 4, 2009
By Kazikami82 BRONZE, A City, Pennsylvania
Kazikami82 BRONZE, A City, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

The wind
The rain
The deepness of the sky
All of the flowers hiding in their perches

A tornado kicks a house around
Like a pebble in the sand
Its brings its friend, hail, and
It crushes the trees like baseballs

Mother Nature weeps as her home
Is battered and torn
She cares for the animals shivering
Among the midst of the danger

The fishes of the seas hide
Like leaves behind the coral
The ice still dives through and
Splits along the rugged rocks

But then, like a crashing wave, the
Skies rip open like a piece of paper and
Release the sun from its gray jail
The wind stops to take its regular nap
And the thunder booms away
All becomes well in the kingdom
As God cleans up the mess


This article has 2 comments.

Zero_K DIAMOND said...
on Aug. 4 2009 at 10:29 pm
Zero_K DIAMOND, Moosic, Pennsylvania
83 articles 0 photos 435 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's no fun if you're not insane, otherwise you grow up to be an accountant." -Moi

You seriously need to write more. ZERO

Zero_K DIAMOND said...
on May. 11 2009 at 9:11 pm
Zero_K DIAMOND, Moosic, Pennsylvania
83 articles 0 photos 435 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's no fun if you're not insane, otherwise you grow up to be an accountant." -Moi

Tsk Tsk Kaz, writing poetry when you should be listening to Algebra (I'm one to talk, tee hee). It's awesome. I know you say you want to be a chef, but I think you better be a writer on the side!