From the cry | Teen Ink

From the cry

May 5, 2009
By CanVonDork SILVER, Amityville, New York
CanVonDork SILVER, Amityville, New York
7 articles 18 photos 0 comments

I cried before I crawled.
I crawled before I stood.
I stood before I walked.
I walked before I ran.

Once I ran, I never stopped
Once I moved forward, I never turned back.

I ran after I walked.
I walked after I stood.
I stood after I crawled.
I crawled after I cried.

Once I stopped I never ran.
Once I turned back I could not move forward.

I cried before I crawled.
I crawled before I stood.
I stood before I walked.
I walked before I ran.

Now I cry only to show the pain.
I crawl in desperation to get up.
I walk before I run, to plan an escape.
And once I start to run, I have moved on.


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