Heartsong | Teen Ink


October 25, 2019
By JeremiahBullfrog SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
JeremiahBullfrog SILVER, Baltimore, Maryland
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have no right to say I know

But only that I think

And I believe


It beats

It beats

Do you hear it?

A steady rhythm

A silent hymn

Singing a song so quietly

So weakly

That life itself could miss it


Listen to it grow

And grow

Its body does not yet know 

How strong

How long

Its heart will sing

But it will


Amongst a million lost souls

This one rose

Small and pink and delicate;


And its heart beats?

It beats and beats

A not-so steady rhythm.


Born into a dying world

A lying world

A world of hate and fear

With a mother to protect

And guide

So much pride

It overflows


The heart’s body grows

It learns of its existence

And yet it cannot sense 


The thing that resides


Inside of it

A missing pride

A missing side

Someone lied

Someone is missing


The feeling goes away

It is replaced

Gone, without a trace

Maybe a subtle trace

The heart knows

But as the body grows

It is forgotten:



Am I alive?





All wrong…

Not so long ago

It was strong

But as the mind rises

The heart shrinks a few sizes

And as its body is beaten

As its pride continues to weaken

It knows hate

It knows fear

So, it asks again:


Am I



All wrong, all wrong

The song sung

The bell rung

It tolls

It tolls

And with a heartbeat

A hot heat

It holds

It holds

There is anger

There is pain

And never again

Will the heart’s body think

That it is special…
Someone lied

So it cried:

Why am I alive?


The heart beats to the wrong tune

Someone else’s tune

And soon

It might break for the first time

Love, it thinks

Is a more sinister form of hate 

Something that ate its happiness

But soon it knows

As it grows 

That love can indeed be fleeting

And hearts when meeting

Can choose to love too fast.


An old fear

A dead fear

Back to bite and hurt:

Two brothers and their father

The missing father

The heart wails for them

The body hated him,

Berated him, 

Berated his long-lifeless

Shell of a man

With no heart left.

And as the body hated him

The heart cried out of love

Heart sang a heartsong

All wrong, all wrong.


Sung so loud and so strong

For a father it barely knew

It knew

It loved him then and now,

Missed him now and then

And now, forever.

And through a storm of lost brothers

And childless mothers

And through endless tears

The heart sang a heartsong

Sung so loud and so strong

Sung for far too long

All wrong, all wrong.


The heart is weakened by its song

And breaks

It leaves the body welling tears

And the mind with endless fears

Of love

Of loss


But it presses ever forward

Hope and kindness charging toward

A sweet and bitter goal..

For every song the heart might sing

It keeps on believing


Grief cannot silence it

Hatred cannot deafen it

The tune changes


Into a dark and complex melody

Of love

Of loss



With new lessons

It grows

The heart knows its body

Simply cannot put it down

This heart lives to love

It beats to understand

And it will stop a thousand times

Before it lets its body choose what is safe

Over what is right.

For amongst a million souls

One rose



And delicate

So weak that life itself could miss it

And from it grew a body and a mind 

Each one its own kind of foolish

Each one its own kind of beautiful

Each one crying 

Dying to know why it is alive

And it will strive to survive

It will strive to Love.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem as a response to an assignment about "being and becoming:" who am I now, and how did I become this way? In general terms, it relates some of the most important and foundational moments in my life. 

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