Through Synesthesia | Teen Ink

Through Synesthesia

November 19, 2019
By highschool8 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
highschool8 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments


A star sounds like a cold bottle of champagne being poured into a fancy, white glass. 

A circle smells like a steaming, hot apple pie served with a dollop of ice cream. 

Often times we lose focus and creativity of things that we normally don’t think much about. 

It’s important to exercise the creative aspects of ourselves and let loose once in a while. 


The texture of turquoise feels like a soft, silky blanket of warmth. 

The enemy of green hides between factories and coal mines. 

It’s vital that we express our feelings and emotions into color and shade. 

It’s important to describe color scheme so others can open their eyes and stay aware. 


The swirl of loneliness sounds like a soft, slow moving flick of the wrist. 

If you turn hope on high, you’ll see the fruititions of believing in yourself. 

Emotions dictate and express how and why we are feeling a certain way. 

It’s important to express and acknowledge our feelings and emotions. 

Real Life 

The sadness of puppies is like a zombie apocalypse occurring and volcanoes erupting. 

A baby’s cry is bright blue with streaks of orange and red mixed in.

Sometimes we have things come up, that we really don’t want to happen. 

It’s important to deal with reality head on. 

All in all we must remember that being creative and artistic can really help describe something. Sometimes words become confusing, and color, emotion, life, and even food can help fill in the blank. 

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