Sacrifice | Teen Ink


May 14, 2009
By NoOneKnows93 GOLD, Colfax, California
NoOneKnows93 GOLD, Colfax, California
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A girl only needs three things in her life: LOVE to make her weak, ALCHOHOL to make her strong, and FRIENDS to pick her up when the first two make her hit the ground.

What is sacrifice?
There are so many examples of sacrifice,
and yet the meaning remains unclear.
Bringing crafts and killing animals
Then giving it to the so called gods…
only a sacrificial offering,
but not sacrifice.
Giving up your baby,
aborting when you’re fifteen years old,
killing an innocent creature,
because you’re not ready.
That’s not sacrifice.
That is anything but.
That’s impatience…
not wanting to admit
that you messed up,
but its not sacrifice.
Does anyone in the world really know?
Or is it decided on words,
on actions,
on a situation?
If this is so,
Then I decide
To stereotypically label what I’m about to do.
To die,
to cease to exist,
in the place of the one I love…..
some might later look back on the events of today,
recollect and talk about that girl
the stupid one,
the unwise one.
The one who made a bad choice.
But I wouldn’t call it that;
making a choice.
I would call it…

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