Eyes | Teen Ink


January 15, 2020
By 1lorenz SILVER, Okauchee, Wisconsin
1lorenz SILVER, Okauchee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are two types of people in my family. My siblings and my father with blue eyes the color of waves, splashing onto the shore. And my mother and I with brown eyes like the fall leaves that break away from their branches in autumn. My eyes are brown, they are bold, they are bright. My mother and I work day in and day out. We are bold, we are bright. My sisters and my father are more social people. But my brother, my brother has blue eyes, and yet he is bold and bright like my mother and me. How does this happen?

My brother, my brother’s eyes, like little diamonds, like little drops of water on a rainy yet beautiful sunny day, casts light among the shadows, warming your heart, comforting you like curling up in a blanket next to a warm fire, they are the sound of joy and happiness among the fights throughout the household. The blue eyes bring much life into our world. The willingness to strive and be bold. Be bright. Be brave. The blue eyes begin to outshine the brown eyes. The color of the eyes hold many responsibilities. The color does not change who you are.

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