Her | Teen Ink


March 17, 2021
By Anonymous

Her smile turns my insides over, my heart drumming inside my chest, pa rum pum pum pum, pa rum pum pum pum. Chocolate brown hair flows in light waves down her back, chestnut brown eyes piercing into my soul, the tips of her fingers smooth like ice but warm like fire. Her eyes stare back into mine, taking me apart and piecing me back up like a puzzle, a puzzle of a life far away from this one, one where everything’s right and I feel completed. I can almost hear her voice inside my head, that sweet, soft voice telling me that I’m special, even though I know I’m not. But perhaps she is what makes me special, that waterfall of silky hair, those kind and tender eyes, the fingers that I so long to intertwine with my own. She brings one of her hands up to my face and gingerly tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, making my breathing stop and my limbs freeze. Then she walks away into the arms of someone I’ve never seen, and he laughs a full laugh at something she says right before she turns around and gives me one last look, one last heart-stopping smile. The hardest thing isn’t letting go ー it’s holding on to something that was never there, and if someone once said that hearts are made to be broken, then my heart was made just as anyone else’s, for in that moment, I swear I can feel my heart shattering into a million shards of glass, cutting through my soul and my life until I have nothing, and I am no one.

The author's comments:

I was mainly experimenting with diction, especially using detail to add emotion to the piece. I add allusions (adapted quotes); Lisa Schroeder wrote “‘Was it hard...letting go?’ Not as hard as holding on to something that wasn’t real,” and Oscar Wilde wrote, “Hearts are made to be broken.” What I like about this piece is that I can capture the effect of having a deep connection with somebody and build it up until I finally have it come crashing down at the end. It’s what I’d call a rollercoaster of emotions, and even though we don’t know who the narrator is, we can envision the scene and the feelings that come along with it.

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