A perfect family | Teen Ink

A perfect family

March 29, 2021
By ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

We’re a perfect family,

we live fighting with each other

and we’re a perfect family.

My dad verbally, emotionally,

and mentally abuses us 

and we’re a perfect family.

Every day goes by 

and I still can’t breathe 

without him taking it away 

and we’re a perfect family.

My parents can’t accept that

I’m gay and don’t believe in God

and we’re a perfect family.

I can’t be happy without

him tearing it apart 

I can’t have a dream 

without him crushing it 

but we’re a perfect family.

I can’t look at them in the 

eye and say that I love them

when I hate them

and we’re a perfect family.

My mom says she wants me to be 

happy and chase my dreams 

and she wants to decide and control

who I get to be and what makes me happy

and we’re a perfect family.

I ask myself

How can I ever figure out

what I want and who

I want to be if they

don’t let me 

and we’re a perfect family.

I can’t move on from the “past”

when it’s still happening 

and we’re a perfect family.

I can’t succeed when

they remind me daily

that I’m a failure 

and we’re a perfect family. 

Every day they take 

a piece from my heart 

and I can’t get it back 

and we’re a perfect family.

Moms are supposed to 

protect their children 

yet my mom asks 

me to please my dad

and we’re a perfect family.

CPS told them that

I’m so depressed 

I tried to hurt myself before

and we’re a perfect family.

I tried to scream 

and I can’t 

because they took my voice

I tried to breathe 

and I can’t 

because they’ve taken

everything from me 


And we’re a perfect family.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem when I was really depressed and sad about all my issues with my parents and although things haven't changed much I don't hate, I love them but we have a lot of issues that they don't like to deal with which makes it hard for me.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 8 2021 at 9:19 pm
piperw811 PLATINUM, Pittsford, New York
45 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"chemistry between people is the strangest science of all" - Bridgett Devoue

this is amazing – so authentic, so vulnerable, so real. keep writing!!