Past present and future | Teen Ink

Past present and future

June 28, 2021
By AndileDhlomo SILVER, Pretoria, Other
AndileDhlomo SILVER, Pretoria, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason, if it's meant to be then it will fall into place.

People ask me why spirituality
It's not something I picked out for myself
I found myself being connected to the mysterious
Ways that come along with it.
I sometimes feel like I'm crazy going through my path
But I know from my past experiences that its my path,
The past, present and future align together
Funny how we never see it like that but who you were
Makes the person you are becoming.

People ask me why I believe in such phenomena!
It breaks me knowing that they are missing out
Yes! It's hard to believe because it's something
You feel than see a lot,
To think about it Yes you can also see the wonders that happen.

This is my journey and how I was able to find God and build myself spiritually.

Past present and future

There am I, as I take a glimpse look at myself
No it's only a vision, but there was I playing
Alone with a smile on my face.
Yes that's my inner child and she looks happy
As I walk towards her just to have a clear look
I notice that she knows me as I lift her up and
Tell her how much she means to me.

Baby I care about you and love you so much
She just looked at me and gave me an innocent
Smile, as I felt myself melting and be filled with
You have been Alone for the longest time
I will be your shield whenever you need it.

As I was trying to see everything vividly
I saw myself again
No this can't be, how did you become so grown
And beautiful, though she was filled with scars
All over her body.
Are you okay?
I walked towards her but she was running away
From me, I am only trying to help as I shout my
Lungs out but she doesn't turn back .
I found myself wondering, what could have tormented her
I kept on chasing her and she eventually she stopped
My heart was beating so fast
Not knowing what to do or say to her.

She gave me a death stare, that got me feeling
Shivers all over my body.
Are you okay ? As I ask her waiting for her answer
She just looked at me, I saw that she was surprised.
Yes I said to her ! I am you and you are me
What are you talking about ? she asked me lifting up her eyebrows
I walked towards her and gave her a innocent smile
To show her that I mean good but she wasn't sure about me.
I am you and I came to tell you that you are stronger than you think,

As I looked closely at her, I noticed all my features on her
She was beautiful and felt the pain she has been through.
Come here !
Hold my hand and feel me
She came towards me held my hand
Our souls connected giving us high vibrational forces
Eventually she pulled back, who are you ?
I am you and I have come to help you heal
I don't want your help, noone has ever helped me before.

I found myself thinking of all the things I've been through
Finding ways that I could use to help her
I love her and I know she has been through a lot.
Do you believe in the Divine ?, I asked her
Yes I do, she answered me
Have you tried praying and ask for guidance ?
She looked at me and laughed
That made me stare at her surprised by her reaction
God never answers my prayers, I feel like I was meant to
Suffer on this earth and I am used to not things going my way.

Tears started flowing through my eyes
I felt her pain and anger that she had, look at me I said.
She looked at me and asked me why I am happy and she isn't
That broke me into pieces, I gave her a warm, tight hug and
Started singing for her it was my favourite song surprisingly
She also sang along with me.
I felt light around us which made us sing more louder
It was the light of God, his presence was around us
Covering us with warmth and healing.

My spiritual journey began after that healing process
I found myself and healed within those minutes, I looked
At her and felt a great welcoming feeling.
Thank you I said and she just smiled at me while fading away.
Since that day I have been helping those who go through what I did
I find joy, happiness and love through helping people
God does listen to our prayers
He knows that we are strong, you just have to have faith
My journey made me be woke
I was meant to go through hardships to heal our nation,
Without those experiences I am no-one.

We forget to count our blessings
We focus on our hardships and that destroys us
Thus spirituality starts within and I learnt that the hard way,
Forgiveness is the key to everything in life
Heal and try again.

Andile Dhlomo.

The author's comments:

I am a young teenager from Pretoria South Africa, I have had a tough journey while I was growing up and I can't say I am not facing other challenges in life because I a. But I had to be tough at an early age thus it has made me who I am today and I'm working on helping our youth and show them that they are not alone. We don't talk about spirituality these days and it's one of the things that are important, in order to love other people and the world we live in, we have to know ourselves hence spirituality starts within.


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