September 22, 2021
By Ishmit_Kaur BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Ishmit_Kaur BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Not a canister waiting to be satiated,

But a blaze to be kindled;

A rusting lust to be burnished;

Is the mind, a candle to woeful ignorance pinioned.


Fuelling wisdom with wonder,

Is creative curiosity, fathomless without fear;

The chagrin in the tug of a tethered horse;

Not all who gallivant are lost.


Trust the impeccable compass,

When grappling in the raging tempest;

You falter in advance - riding on horns of dilemma instead,

Impediments intimidating in every tread.


You may stumble and fall,

But your lustre is yet strong;

The shoots are growing, let them thrive;

No glimpses at ground - touch and outshine stars which mystify.


Every aurora a luminous opportunity;

Every questioning bud be nurtured ardently;

Let not your flame of nonpareil, worthy thirst die;

Explore till collapse, to the zenith you will fly.

The author's comments:

This piece has been penned down as a wake-up call to those reclining in their reclusive cocoons, and not inclined to explore that extra mile. Striving to rekindle the invigorating spark of curiosity in dormant minds, I fervently wish to coax each reader to transform stumbling blocks into stepping stones, which will further pave the way for success. The thirst for erudition can only be quenched by letting our wildest questions and ideas go loose in the endless horizon of life. Keen to listen to my soul and ravish every new idea which I come across, I strive to create a perfect amalgam of knowledge, perception and execution in every inquisitive mind grappling in the strife between longing and life.

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