My cat in quarantine | Teen Ink

My cat in quarantine

March 28, 2022
By C70UD BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
C70UD BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
my friends are my power

2:30 am, I can’t fall asleep

Am I the only one awake? 

I don’t hear a peep...

While day and night blur together,

I feel as if I have been in this house forever

Chirp, Chirp, Chirp!

Ah, Lala’s parrot toy, loud and alert

I hop out of bed, she pushes through the door 

She meows at me with a cat-sized roar

I walk her downstairs to see what’s the matter 

and give her some food in her small silver platter 

I sneak back upstairs while she munches

While I still have sleep within my clutches

But the problem still is how will I sleep 

It’s 3 am and I’d hate to count sheep

The restless baby comes again to meow

Yelling at volumes that I won’t allow

She opens the door once again 

Meowing at me to be her friend

I allow her on my bed and that’s the end :)

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