Silent Echoes of a mind mind | Teen Ink

Silent Echoes of a mind mind

May 14, 2022
By ADF-Poetry BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
ADF-Poetry BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
2 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The fair comes once a year so pick up your head and carry on cause life isn’t fair.

-David Abraham Flakus

Silent echoes of a mind


Dancing flowers of our thoughts

Up and down yee playful hop

Lighting darkness Life has wrought

Beauty that commands time stop,

When the darkness of my night

Scares away my will to fight

To you flowers I hold tight

For thee flowers are my knights,

My Mind, Echoes, Silently.


To the darkness of my nights

Voice of shadows ever vile,

My lens that twists all good sights

Fires fueled with the bile

Of the thoughts that devils breath

Thoughts of hatred, wrath, and greed

Of these breaths one reigns over

To this thought the others praise

Thoughts of life ending sober,

Life, no more, in darkness’ rays

My Mind, Echoes, Silently.


Other thoughts I hear yee too

Thoughts of needing others light

Beams in my mask, I look through

My true self, hidden, in fright

To these thoughts I say to thee

“Although true, away with thee!”

Locked and guarded is my mask

With two friends, are keys trusted,

These two only, have a pass

Fakes, by my guards are busted,

Showing their true colors at last,

Fearful my mask stays in place,

Lying, forever with grace,

My Mind, Echoes, Silently.


To these thoughts that are silent

Yet so very loud the same

My Echo in sweet lament

Pain filled Daggers to my brain

But these daggers do not kill

It tears my thoughts like a game

Tears whose reme-dy’s not pills,

These tears will last in my mind,

Everlasting throughout time,

But alas my thoughts unwind,

Echoes, silent, in my mind.

The author's comments:

This poem is about some of my unspoken thoughts I have in my head with a little hyperbole here and there. I wanted to start off happy because I generally am a happy and out going person. Having said that as I continued further in the poem I wrote about my darker thoughts that I keep secret. The tempo in the poem tells a story in itself. It starts of skipping like a bunny but as the poem goes on it grows dissonant. Pondering more on my thoughts they grow more melancholy and the echo starts clashing on itself ending the up and down tempo.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 23 2022 at 9:50 pm
ADF-Poetry BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
2 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The fair comes once a year so pick up your head and carry on cause life isn’t fair.

-David Abraham Flakus

I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on my poem.
How’d you interpret it? What did it mean to you? How did it make you feel? What do you think the poem was about?