Freedom, Power, Equality | Teen Ink

Freedom, Power, Equality

May 31, 2022
By AMC2 BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
AMC2 BRONZE, Morris Plains, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Power and freedom are what make the United States work, not equality. We have adjusted to the mistakes and the thought of the slaves getting whipped for acting mortal. Citizens who stand for equality and freedom make an effort day and night with a nervous mind. Lies they state, equality is not what people make an effort for. It is power. Mankind shall give the power to the many and few, I, state. The United States shall have equality and freedom, I, state. State it day and night, equality, freedom, and power state it for all the citizens to talk about.

The author's comments:

Wrote this for social studies hope you enjoy it!

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