Rise Up | Teen Ink

Rise Up

September 30, 2022
By alexkrzysiek SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
alexkrzysiek SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Look around at the disaster around us

Look around and take in the hate

Look around you and experience the pain 

Look around at ruins of the world 

Look around the world and see what damage we’ve caused 

Take it in and and be honest with the world around you

Take it in and forget the lies you’ve been told 

Take it in with remorse and passion 

Take it in with the drive to change 

Change the world for the better 

Change your community for the next generation 

Change your habits and help the earth grow 

Change your hate into love 

Change the pain into comfort 

Change the ruins, into the garden of Eden 

Change the damage and fix what we have broken 

Change your thoughts from the self depreciation to optimistic hope 

Change the lack of action deep within and find your motivation 

Change the attitude that people around you see and change your surroundings 

Change the people 

Change the enviroment 

Change your mindset

Change, change the world 

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