Synesthesia | Teen Ink


September 30, 2022
By James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
James2274 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    The sunset looks like a mixture of the rainbow you used for art.

                     The ocean feel like the coldest water and waves splash against your legs and feet

                    The moon and sun sound like they are really far away and it is quite chilling in space where astronauts go.

                  The dog barked happily when they saw their owner or their favorite food.

                  The cat sounds like a high pitched meow where they want to get your attention.

                  The plant smells nice with different kinds like roses or poisonous plants which are 



                 Video games sound like the producer of the game spent so much time on this where people gathered around and wanted to buy.

                 Water tastes like nothing and is good for you to drink and become healthy.

                 The wind chimes sound like my mom talking to me.

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