Wild camping | Teen Ink

Wild camping

October 25, 2022
By NateWinter BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
NateWinter BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The wind blowing in the leaves, 

The birds chirping in the morning, 

Hearing the crunch of the rock under my shoe

While others sleep in the tent. 

Seeing the sun coming up gold and bright.

The smell of eggs and sausages 

And the noise of a morning fire.

And the crack of the fire,

Sounding like a stick being stepped on.

Waking up to shadow walking by while in the tent.

Hearing the tiny water drop hitting the tent from the tree, 

The wood next to the fire looks freshly cut. 

The tiny animal in the woods walking around. 

The calming look of the trees and the smiles. 

The relaxing feeling of worries leaving my mind.

The feeling of caring for each other,

getting stronger than ever.

My parents making food for all of us,

Everyone has a smile on their face. 

Tress relaxing like it there day off,

No need to worry about homework or work.

Just the peace of nature around making us warm,

My dog is sitting on the chair relaxing. 

like she just got off of work and wanted to sleep.

My mom setting next to my dog relaxing,

Enjoying the morning weather.

My dad drinking the warm coffee he just made, 

Listening to all the noise that is being made around him.

We get closer every time the electronic are away, 

When nature is around, conversions are everywhere.

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