who am i | Teen Ink

who am i

November 17, 2022
By mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
mallorymcdonnell GOLD, Louisville, Kentucky
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Who am I?

That’s the question everyone asks,

but none can answer.

So here’s my answer.

I’m the girl who pretends like everything’s fine

even when I’m just hanging on.

I’m the girl who looks in the mirror everyday thinking

“why must i look this way?”

I’m the girl who’s quiet and shy

the one who only has a few friends

who know her true personality.

I’m the girl who’s had a number of toxic people in her life

who always took the chance to bring her lower and lower,

until she hit rock bottom.

I’m the girl who’s dyslexic and has a brother with down syndrome.

But those things don’t define me.

So I ask again,

Who am I?

I’m the girl who overachieves and

strives to reach her goals.

I’m the girl who only had herself and her parents

believing in her

at her hardest moment.

I’m the girl who wants to be someone

people could look up to.

I’m the girl who just wants to be enough for someone.

I’m the girl who started crying

when she finished her 100th book

of the year.

This is who I am,

and I’ve grown to feel

proud of who I’ve become.

I put my past behind me,

and just keep looking forward

searching for happiness.

The author's comments:

everyone asks themselves "who am I" but they never find a good answer. So i made my answer.

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