Pain | Teen Ink


June 8, 2009
By Julianne Davis BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
Julianne Davis BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Pain is held in his expressions
Tears tear out of his eyes
He is too sore for a hug
Too sore to move
Blood trickles down from his cuts
His face is cut up, bruised
How much can one man take?
As I was only a child
To see such a disaster
I picture the moment…
Driving while I’m exhausted
Falling asleep
Car still going
Then that’s it
I see him here
Torn up to pieces
He could have died
But Heaven did not open his gate
Heaven pushed him back
Back to his life
Heaven wanted my father to live
I am thankful for that

The author's comments:
This poem is about when my dad got in a car accident by falling asleep and running into a tree at 80 mph. He almost died


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