Pearl - The Perfect Elf-Child | Teen Ink

Pearl - The Perfect Elf-Child

December 20, 2022
By ZHANGXINYUE2006 SILVER, Chatham, Virginia
ZHANGXINYUE2006 SILVER, Chatham, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Like the rose-bush

by a strange chance, has been kept alive 

Once an infant on her arm

pierced the air with its wailings and screams

afterwards as the little girl, small companion of her mother


not as a name expressive of her aspect

had nothing of the calm, white, unimpassioned lustre

By its perfect shape, its vigour, and its natural dexterity

there was an absolute circle of radiance around her

made her the very brightest little jet of flame that ever danced upon the earth.

Her laugh, full of merriment and music

a native grace which does not invariably co-exist with faultless beauty


A spirit not amenable to rules

a dauntless child with a kindred wildness

her wild, desperate,defiant mood

“The little baggage hath witchcraft in her, I profess,”

“There was witchcraft in little Pearl’s eyes”

“demon origin”, questioning whether pearl was a human child

naughty smile of mirth and intelligence

gifted with a voice, to second and confirm the counsel which thou hast heard. 

imbued with a spell of infinite variety

Arrive at an age capable of social intercourse 

having no playmate

grew acquainted with a certain peculiar look

All this enmity and passion Pearl inherited

became spiritually adapted to whatever drama 

occupied the stage of her inner world. 


her mother’s only treasure!

i am mother’s child

Mother and daughter stood together in the same circle of seclusion from human society

ye shall not take her! I will die first!

God gave her into my keeping.


An Elf- child with enigma of the scarlet letter 

caught by the glimmering of the gold embroidery about the letter

took some eel-grass 

imitated the decoration with which she was so familiar on her mother’s.

But dost know what this letter means

“Mother,” said little Pearl, “the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom.

pointing evidently towards her mother’s breast.

“what does the scarlet letter mean?” 

“NO meaning ”

But dost know she IS the scarlet letter


herself a symbol, a connection

Yet Pearl, twice in her little lifetime, hath been kind to me!

Taking his hand in the grasp of both her own, laid her cheek against it

She holding little Pearl by the hand; the minister took the other

“Wilt thou stand here with mother and me, tomorrow noontide?”

not tomorrow; not now

Doth he love us? Pearl laughed

Why does the minister keep his hand over his heart?

What a strange, sad man is he!

He should not nod and smile at me

manifesting her reluctance by odd grimaces

Bathed her forehead til the unwelcome kiss was washed off and diffused 

A spell was broken

With a kiss on the lip

A sweet gentle smile over his face

The child flew to him

A messenger of anguish was fulfilled


Disappeared with a very considerable amount of property from Chillingworth

Became the richest heiress of her day in the New World.

Was she still alive? With a new identity in a new place?

Had her wild, rich nature been softened and subdued?

Married? Happy? Mindful of her mother?


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