Wonders of the World | Teen Ink

Wonders of the World

December 21, 2022
By oliviadicristo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
oliviadicristo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Millard Sheets, Enchanted Island, 1978

While I swoop to scavenge for food, 

the others follow my lead. Hovering over the crystal clear 

water. The movement of black bowfins draws my attention.

Plunging straight down through the turquoise liquid, I ruin

the scene of complete and utter stillness. 

Soaring back to open air I realize the view in front of me.

Two light bone colored branches are washed upon, 

an earth tone sand bank, with multiple cliffs behind them.

Oh how beautiful, I think. I look around to make 

sure my friends see this as well. 

With twinkling stars in our eyes, 

and a peaceful feeling surrounding us,

the calm is broken as a vast, dark fin peeks out of the water.

The author's comments:

Ekphrastic poem

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