The Darkness | Teen Ink

The Darkness

January 31, 2023
By 3sharma GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3sharma GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pink in my life turns to a dark red

The red with hints of black

As if each tip of a triangle stabbed me

Each stab has the face of the person who changed the pink 

Never knowing how to fix this smell of death 

The death inside of me 

Hearing the screams of friendship

Wanting for the screams to stop

It stopped on a cold day, in a tundra

 An avalanche happened, landing on friendship

Burying it as the sound of cries flies by

Never to see friendship again

No matter how hard I tried to save him

Digging through the snow with no success

Friendship was young and unpredictable

And will forever be missed and remembered

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