Balance of life | Teen Ink

Balance of life

February 1, 2023
By jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The fish swaying in the water,

The birds swooping around the sky,

The sand being wedged in between Rocks,

The water flowing, 

The air moving softly,

The trees dancing around in the forest,

The perfect nature.

The bears wrestling in the water,

Blood running through the river.

The eagles hunting their prey,

Watching and waiting.

The barracudasbaracudas comping away,

TakingTakeing over the river.

The dark side of nature. 

The city

The jungle of opportunity

DifferentDiffrent lifestyle, 


The people,

The food,

The environment,

The warmth,

The greatest city

The darkness,

Theft amongamound the streets 

Crime, blood running throughthough our water 

The safety in danger

The cost, inflammation

The worst city

Life has all these.

Bright and dark,

Soft and Hard,

Coldness and warmth,

The perfect balance

County and City. 

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