Other Worldly Accusations | Teen Ink

Other Worldly Accusations

May 1, 2023
By ShawnII GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ShawnII GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Few people listen to our words

Because we are just men

“Years of oppression, for what?”

Commonly asked by women

But now, it will be by us men

From where we stand all of our

Military service and building society

All of it was for nought

And what we ought to have?

Women who insist it is unfair

But they pick the benefits

An all you can eat buffet

A buffet of privileges

Without the responsibilities

“Equal pay! Equal rights!”

But where are those equal fights

For the men that unequally work all night?

Working class jobs,

Comfortable jobs,

That is their form of equality.

No one says anything about oil riggers.

Not a word about bricklayers.

But we are for equality, right?

They shout equality, but being a man is inherently toxic?

They defer our fathers, but they are the perpetual victims?

And yet, we are wrong and beyond redemption?

The solution for their fantasy, in their eyes

To end, not change, society

Boycotting reproduction and lowering standards.

You lose family,

You lose what you had,

By “looking out for yourself and others.”

Now indirectly harming yourself and others

In the name of feminism

That was never looking out for you in the first place.

But what do I know?

I’m just a man.

The author's comments:

With lines from “A World Without Men” by Anna Sussman, a Pulitzer Center reporting project


For class work.

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