Family Split Up | Teen Ink

Family Split Up

May 1, 2023
By 24brahme SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
24brahme SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There’s no reason for you to feel unjustified as I did.

Four years she spent under the reign of abstinence.

Watching her be a mother while managing to juggle this fate was exhausting. 

She feels nothing stays laid out for the future of her well being,

and then the urge became unreliable.

The name popped onto the phone,

but unusually, the call came midday. 

The tone of the lawyer on the other end was dreary, 

which led me to think fate had yet turned on her.

The court decision came back and was said into her ear, 

with no hesitation, the divorce granted. 

Women, degraded, and unappreciated.

Women, turned away, and forgotten.

Women, no say, not heard.

Four years spent under the abandonment,

although the truest of it all, the paper still says he is hers.

The voluntary action of falling in love and honor each other is forgotten, 

No one listens when she expresses her reasons. 

Women, speak up.

Women, stand your ground.

Women, voice your opinion.

The author's comments:

With lines from “Philippines: Ending My Marriage in the Only Country That Bans Divorce” By Ana P. Santos, A Pulitzer Center Reporting Project

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