Importance of time | Teen Ink

Importance of time

May 2, 2023
By 3warren BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3warren BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Importance of  time 

With lines from the importance of time management by Rebecca Vlad

By Javin Warren 

12th-grade Arrowhead Union High School, Wisconsin 

Time is moving a million miles an hour 

Yet the clock still sits there frozen.

Dormant. It must be broken 

All of a sudden it speeds up uncontrollably 

Much like my life.

Time is moving slowly.

Yet the clock sits there ticking. 

The same normal, Pace. 

Everything around me is in slow motion 

Going through the motions. 

Much like my life 

At this point do I dare look at the clock? 

Every time I do, something seems to happen.


When did I get such control over time?

Something that was once thought of as uncontrollable.

At what point do I ask myself 

Is this even real?

How long will I have this ability?

How did I get it?

As I graduate this June 

I realize that anyone can control the time 

Whether it is sped up or in slow motion 

It’s up to you how you want to use it.

The author's comments:

Importance of time management by Rebecca Vlad

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