Dreadful | Teen Ink


May 11, 2023
By 4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dancing alone, isolated with no consideration, and controlling the dance floor.

Reminiscing the times from so long ago when everyone was so happy and young.

Embedded in the wall is their guitar which can still be heard bouncing off the walls.

Ambient noises echo through the unlit mysterious room.

Darkness encloses the woman, and all she does is dance.

Forgetting? She does not forget who used to play the guitar when she was little.

Uncertain of what the future holds. She still mourns the loss, but she is not sad.

Longevity does not prevail for a human. No one is immortal. She is left with pain.

The author's comments:

Inspired by “El Jaleo” by  John Singer Sargent

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