Freedom | Teen Ink


May 12, 2023
By AHSAbby GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSAbby GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the sunsets, the moon starts to show, and

darkness begins to appear in the sky.

A long day of fighting comes to a halt.

Men lost – resources used up – energy depreciated.

Misty gray sky, the water reflecting moonlight, like a mirror

Captain says “Time to dock the boat for the night”

“No more to be done today, the fighting was over for now”

Sailing Master says “Time to go home to our families”

Their wifes were waiting at home all day just to see if their husbands would come back.

Captain said “Time to not think about tomorrow and think about the present–”

“We cannot control what the future holds”

The Second Mate thought “We cannot control who gets to come home and who will not return.”

The war brought long and hard days of work, it took a toll on everyone. But in their heads it was the thought of freedom that kept that ship sailing.

The author's comments:

Inspired by Moon Over a Harbor by Edward Mitchell Bannister

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