Today's Shower | Teen Ink

Today's Shower

May 19, 2023
By Charlee_King BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Charlee_King BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Addicted to dumping their trash lives on the floor,

People ruin today

Expectant for others to retrieve their food chain of social grievances

continuing a bloodline of hatred from person to person.

Awoken from serene slumber 

I am forced into harsh reality

Twenty minutes before my screaming siren can make me,

I rise

emerging from the warm blanket of protection that once surrounded me

Somehow today unwinds itself in my mind,  

already cogging my machine of a head with irrelevance 

Routines from days past come clear

Same this, same that- 

Today is another new day, 

just as yesterday was my new Today.

Dragging myself down the stairs, I am greeted by a hulky teenage boy.

His dewy eyes wide with morning agitation and buoyant enthusiasm

One could see him practically vibrating with exhilaration at the bottom of those stairs.

This day I saw past him-

Too consumed with fantasies of pressurized streams,

scorching myself with scalding water until the day-break haze melts away 

Tempting me with tempestuous rain before even crossing through the threshold

into the bath droplets cling like crystals to every surface

Moisture formulates

Clouds of condensation dance, filling every crack of empty space 

whilst simultaneously I waste time

on the bathroom floor

That in mind, I push past him - 

spoiling happiness with my garbage bag of self-interest


His light wince as I slam the bathroom door will never be seen,

but the feeling of rejection I leave to linger will outline his whole Today. 

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