The Questions of Life | Teen Ink

The Questions of Life

November 6, 2023
By MrDomWilliams PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
MrDomWilliams PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Who was the first person to walk the Earth?

Was it Adam or Eve?

Or was it someone else?


What was the first language?

What are we doing here in school?

What is the meaning of life (besides 42)?


When will the last person be born?

When will the last person die?

When will we colonize beyond this planet?


Where will our civilization reach when they realize they’ve wandered far enough from their home?

Where will the last person be born?

Where will the last person die?


Why does life, the Universe, and everything equal 42?

Why do I always plug the USB in correctly on the second try rather than the first?

Why is it cloudy today?


How does quantum physics work?

How do we keep forming new words?

How much space garbage is in Earth’s atmosphere?

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