Apple Filled Stomach | Teen Ink

Apple Filled Stomach

December 13, 2023
By KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
KyleMcNeil GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit, back pressed against the rigid bark of the tree.

I sink my teeth into the apples that have accumulated 

on the soft luscious grass beneath me.

The sun beats down on my dirty feet

that stretch out just beyond the tree's shadow.

The breeze delicately brushes my face 

and parts my hair to one side.

In the distance, I hear the tractor 

as Paw rumbles towards the house while

Maw greets him with her usual glowing grin.

Past the house, I see the hills rolling endlessly

surrounded by the blue, cotton candy-filled sky 

reminding me of the fair we go to every year.

The bell rings for supper. I struggle to stand up, 

weighed down by my apple-filled stomach.

I creak open the splintered wooden gate and begin my walk.

The author's comments:

A Poem Analyzing Owen Gromme, Gate

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