The Crows | Teen Ink

The Crows

December 14, 2023
By puppydawgs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
puppydawgs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Peaking through the long window the man jerks, 

as the noise of the crows shattered his ear drum. 

Glancing at the small creatures, 

The man tries not to look at them for long. 

A sharp pain shoots down his back like a hundred sewing needles

 are being stabbed right into him.

Screaming in pain because of the imaginary needles 

makes the crows go flying.

Through the air, around the trees, in the barn, 

then there are no crows left to be seen. 

The crows leave but the pain is getting worse by the second. 

More needles are getting stabbed into him, he’s confused and scared. 

Is this his last day?

As he screams louder due to the agonizing pain,

 the crows make their appearance again.

Except they are no longer flying around tree and in the barn, 

they are inside with the man

As more birds fly through the house the needles prick out 1 by 1. 

A maroon color water starts dripping from his shirt to the floor. 

The man standing in a puddle, looking all confused as ever, 

when he figured out that the crows were in his back. 

The author's comments:

inspired by Will Barnet Study for a Dream painting 


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