Marzya | Teen Ink


January 12, 2024
By ruthholst SILVER, Hamden, Connecticut
ruthholst SILVER, Hamden, Connecticut
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Searching eyes, wandering feet,

that never settle in one seat.

A vibrant tone never heard,

better not to speak a word.

I’ll reach without grasping,

can’t achieve without asking.

Sweet smiles and eyes that follow

Feet that wander past, alone.

Dinner and conversation

intended since creation,

Your hand extended to me–

Someone I could never be.

The author's comments:

"Marzya" is the name of a character in the short story of my collection, "Birds in Treetops" who my main character wants to be like so badly. Marzya is friendly and kind, but the narrator is unsure if they're friends. Deep down, she knows she could never be like Marzya because of all the fears that get in her way.

I experimented with rhyme scheme and meter in this poem. Keeping 7 syllables and an AABB rhyme scheme throughout the poem was difficult, but I think I like what I came up with.

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