Spring Fever | Teen Ink

Spring Fever

May 16, 2024
By Anonymous

I walked through the slim threshold,

 a smell instantly filling through the air.

 The air was warm and sunny, 

yet cold as I came from the outside.

It was strange walking into a new place.

 For a fleeting moment,

 it was as if cold air was pushing from in front of me;

 trying to find a way to the outside,

 yet it was also warm because I came from the outside

And the warm air was following close behind me.


 I could feel the glass door closing behind me,

despite it not even touching my body. 

That shiny glass of the door was cold,

 but the large posters hanging on it makes it seem less freezing.

 I heard the sound of barks all around me

The sound of hope

Yet, the sound of discouragement,

From all the times they have been refused

The tiled floor cold

There is a strange misty-like sensation in the air, 

and it feels as if the everlasting time has stopped.

Has there been a pause in infinite time?

Or am I just overthinking all of this?

Has the small clock stopped ticking?


Is all of this thinking my words?

How long have I been thinking?

And how long will it be until I stop?

I can’t stop myself from thinking unless I stop my thoughts,

 and that won’t stop until I’m dead

Which could happen anywhere, any time, any place

Could it happen today?

In this very cold store?


How much longer will I be thinking like this?

When will I stop thinking

When will this pause in motion come to an end?

The quiet animals were all peaceful, not a single bark or meow

Just simple and quiet silence.


As I take another step, I can feel all of my thought coming together

As if I was trying to put the tiny pieces of a puzzle together

I look to see the small animals, soft, cute, and fluffy

Some overhead, some under, some may be right beside me

They were all like cold statues, calm, still and peaceful

But they were still moving more than one.

Is there anything better than walking into a pet store?

The author's comments:

This was just during spring break

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