Christmas Morning with Sadie | Teen Ink

Christmas Morning with Sadie

May 29, 2024
By lorb518 BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
lorb518 BRONZE, Colgate, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

¨Caleb wake up! It's Christmas morning! Let's open up presents¨. I shouted at him across my bedroom.

¨Just wait until mom and dad wake up, then we will go open the presents¨” Caleb stated, sounding half asleep.

I went downstairs to wake my dog up and do my daily morning routine with her. 

This consisted of giving her new fresh drinking water, 1 more cup of food and letting her outside to go pee. 

¨Sadie!¨ I exclaimed as I arrived at her cage. ¨Get up, it's time to go potty¨.

As soon as I open the cage Sadie launches out of there like a rocket! Her tail wagging like never before. It was almost like she knew it was Christmas morning herself. I immediately ran to the back door. ¨SKSHHHSS¨ the door opens and Sadie runs right out, immediately squatting down to go to the bathroom.

¨Hey Jacob, go get your brother to open up presents¨ my mom said.

I sprinted back upstairs to drag my brother out of bed. ¨Get your butt up, mom and dad are ready for us to open the presents!¨ I screamed excitedly.

As I came back downstairs I ran over to the tree to open my first present. As I picked up the smaller first present I realized it wasn´t to me or my brother but instead Sadie, our dog. I was really surprised but then I ran back to the back door to let her back in from her bathroom trip. I let her back in and brought her over back by the presents for the exciting occasion. ¨CRRRRRRRR¨ I unwrapped the paper. All of a sudden a toy chicken head popped out. I squeezed it a little bit and a chicken noise came out.

¨Balk, balk, balk¨ the chicken toy screeched.

Sadie ripped that toy out of my hand so fast and started playing with it.

¨You want to play tug a war?¨ I laughed when Sadie brought the other end of the toy to my lap. 

¨GRRRR¨ she growled trying to tug the toy away from me.

After I finally let go she did her deep and raspy howl in sign of victory!

My whole family was laughing really hard and it was a great experience with my dog.

The author's comments:

This is about my dog Sadie

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