The Cold | Teen Ink

The Cold

June 22, 2024
By purplenoodles6 BRONZE, Plainsboro, New Jersey
purplenoodles6 BRONZE, Plainsboro, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your touch is cold as ice,

Your lips are sickly blue.

Your smile is far from nice,

I don’t know what to do.

I throw on many layers,

I drink from scorching mugs.

I say my deepest prayers,

To save me from your hugs.

You break in through the window,

You break in through the door,

Pain and shivers are your lingo,

I can’t take it anymore!

Your breath is almost biting,

You ate too many mints.

My anger is igniting,

You can’t take any hints!

I slam the doors,

I slam the drawers,

And if I could,

I’d slam the floors.

Now everything is shut.

There’s no chill left to feel.

My mouth begins to jut,

And all that’s left is zeal.

But wait! It’s not over yet,

The chill is creeping in.

I failed to kill the threat,

It lingers in my skin.

I can feel sorrow seeping in,

I didn’t win the fight.

I’ll stop my own engine,

To save me from this plight.

And so, my mug in hand,

I edge towards the fireplace.

I’ve taken all I can withstand,

You’re an absolute disgrace.

The fire swallows me whole,

It burns you to a crisp.

To perish is my goal,

My breath comes out in wisps.

And even though I’ll fry,

I’ll have freedom from the flu.

And even though I’ll die,

At least you will too.

The author's comments:

I live in New Jersey, and it's summer in the middle of a heat wave. In this raging heat, I beg silently for winter again. But then I remember the uncomfortable cold that characterizes winter, and I'm thankful for what I have now!

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