How Much Longer? | Teen Ink

How Much Longer? MAG

By Anonymous

How long?
How much longer will I be able to see you?
Two days, a month, ayear? Maybe no longer.

All the time we spent together.
All the time wesat down and talked,
Eventually, all of it will be concluded.

I want tohelp you.
I will do anything just to spend some time.

I see picturestoday of you holding me at age four when you were a lot stronger.
Remember thetime we held your 80th birthday party in my back yard?
Too bad I wasn't oldenough to realize.

I remember vaguely seeing you raising a glass of grapewine,
and making a toast in your honor.

Maybe I should have been withyou,
when I thought I was doing something more important.
Or maybe I couldhave been there,
when I decided I didn't need to be.

I walk into yourroom,
And I can barely see you through the darkness.
Sipping apple juicethrough a straw,
you sit up after sleeping for hours.

You ask me how Iam, but
I should be asking you that question, and I am sorry.

And astime goes on, and you get weaker, I want to know,
how muchlonger?

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