The new lights | Teen Ink

The new lights

August 1, 2009
By Anblue SILVER, Houston, Texas
Anblue SILVER, Houston, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Thought I could never,
Mend my broken heart.
I once was clever,
But others were tart.
To me, it never occured,
That those I love would leave.
I realize I was absurd,
For ever being that naive.
Then came the new lights,
To take me away with them.
And see those sights,
If not never, I saw solemn.
I can't say I was slow,
To catch on thier intentions.
On the baseball field, I blow
evil off with homeruns.
But I can't really play,
A single game of life,
With the current, I sway
For, now I wont go under the knife.


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on Sep. 8 2009 at 11:41 am
JohnDeereGirl DIAMOND, Westerlo, New York
61 articles 36 photos 216 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I'm not"
"Somewhere betweeen us talking, you saying I deserve better, and you making me laugh when I wanted to cry, I fell in love with you."

I love the way you write all of your poems are so beautiful :) keep writing