The Test | Teen Ink

The Test

July 25, 2009
By XRamirez SILVER, Round Rock, Texas
XRamirez SILVER, Round Rock, Texas
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Through the towns something will sound
for a population waiting to drown.
Pray tonight
just for one less fight.
Pray for some light
for all of us to make it through the night.
Just pray for a better tomorrow
Maybe just for once to end this sorrow.

The world is dying
for something to stop the lying.
A false cause, a false fate
is all that it could take
to bring upon the demise
and maybe the last sunrise

It's not like we didn't have a chance
We just didn't have any plans
Spent the days filling on greed
Never just taking what we need
So now we wonder how
How everythings gotten so bad now

For the last day
I know exactly what I would say
Keep my family close
So they will know exactly what I spoke.
We lived life like every day was our last
Nothing to regret in the past
Look forward to wherever we wind up next
This was just a test
To see us at our best.


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