Grandfather Sitting | Teen Ink

Grandfather Sitting MAG

By Anonymous

   Grndfather SittingWe looked at him in near awe,He had a stately grace,Sitting at the head of the table.His proud face was lined with forgotten cares andinjustices.He gestured toward the chosenand then spoke his name.The young father answered with Grace,and dinner began.He presided over the council,the Elders at his sides,and the Prodigal Son across from him.Here he spoke, laughed, and bound us all as oneA family.With dignity and humilityhe related our past in a voice that seemed to roll throughintangible hills.The full shock -the impressive quiver he set upon us -Such as he left us in a state as after the storm.He was a force of nature -We looked at him with love, respect, and Nathaniel Perricone, E. Setauket, NY

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