Time Waits for nothing | Teen Ink

Time Waits for nothing

September 28, 2009
By kapana BRONZE, Waianae, Hawaii
kapana BRONZE, Waianae, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Seconds into minutes
Minutes into hours
Hours into days
Days into months
Months into years
Years into a lifetime
After a while we learn that
Though we might not want to believe it
Time waits for nothing
But sometimes I get that re-occuring thought
That somehow, it should have waited for us
That somehow, it should have slowed
Because somehow we still werent ready
When you and me became "we"
We were still immature
We were still selfish
We were still too young
To take on the responsibilities of a relationship
And though there was a lot of love
Somehow love just wasnt enough
So we went our seperate ways and grew
Slowly, but promisingly, into young adults
Who saw the world differntly
Who saw ourselves differently
Who, sadly, never saw eachother again
As seconds grew into minutes
And minutes into hours
And hours into days
And days into months
And months into years
The years grew into a lifetime without you
And though I lived happy
And though I lived a full life
Sometimes when Im alone, I still wish that
Time could have waited for us

The author's comments:
"everything i write has a message and can somehow relate to me. Though i am not old, there are still pieces of me that question that if time would have waited, what would be different."

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