A Timeless Message | Teen Ink

A Timeless Message MAG

By Anonymous

   I was presented as a gift a long time ago,

And placed in a corner to see.

A lovely young couple recently wed,

Beginning their lives with me.

They cared while preserving my beauty,

I know their devotion was real.

By affectionately glancing when they passed by,

How happy they made me feel.

When new members entered our home,

They stopped smiling when they walked by me.

The new baby captured their fancy,

The family had now become three.

Now as another child totters about;

I am left alone in the hall.

Their lives are much busier, this family of four,

It seems they don't see me at all.,

No time for me now, with dust on my face,

As they give me only a glance.

They drive to hockey with their young boy,

Then rush the girl to a dance.

As I stand on guard in my usual place,

Time passes quickly by.

And the children grow rapidly, strong and sure,

Under my watchful eye.

As years trip by so quickly now,

And thus the children have grown.

They come for a visit once and again,

Now with families of their own.

The couple, once young, are now aged and grey,

Their lives are a much slower pace.

They have more time to remember my presence

As they wipe the dust from my face.

They have slowly regained their old routine,

Armed with polish and soap.

The twosome now wash me religiously,

And will continue to do so, I hope.

So I, the grandfather clock, stand tall and proud,

With this family my time has been spent.

I have seen the years pass with the lovely young couple,

And wonder just where the time went.

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