You are My Secret | Teen Ink

You are My Secret

November 11, 2009
By SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
SeanMoore GOLD, Campinas, Other
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"if i had to choose between breathing and loving you, i would choose my last breath to say 'i love you'"-unknown

you are my secret!

you are the subject of my whisper,
you are the subject of my prayer.

you are the one my soul screams out for,
the one my heart pounds ever more faster for!

you make me want to be better,
you are the one who makes me better!

you will always be my secret,
because i will never be the one to hurt you,
with the three of the most painful words.

i will never be so selfish to think i am good enough for you!

if i dont deserve you,
then who does???

we may never know,
because you are my secret.

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