Epiphany | Teen Ink


December 19, 2009
By XxXKyleEliteWARX GOLD, Brooklyn, CT 06234, Connecticut
XxXKyleEliteWARX GOLD, Brooklyn, CT 06234, Connecticut
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“We all have a train to catch, but whether or not you will make it aboard is entirely upon you.”


I smoke with a choke prepared for a stroke.
Under presser from my terrible unbearable friends.
After school we’re breaking the rule, I’m such a fool.
I hate the taste; it’s such a waste, like toxic waste
Instead of smoking dead, I fled from; the scene.
I awake from my dream with a terrifying scream.
Thank God for the guide that he has provided.
Now I won’t die.

The author's comments:
I am august smoking and drinking but I do have many terrible friends that are always trying to get me to smoke weed. I always take charge and say “No!” I believe that drinking and smoking should all be band… forever! This poem you see here is of a nightmare I had just yesterday. The scary things is, in the dream I did creak under pressure and I did smoke only to awake screaming moments later.

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