Making Decisions | Teen Ink

Making Decisions

January 6, 2010
By Cfaith2 BRONZE, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
Cfaith2 BRONZE, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Laugh when you can,<br /> Apologize when you should,<br /> And let go of what you can&#039;t change.<br /> Kiss slowly,<br /> Play hard, <br /> Forgive quickly,<br /> Take chances,<br /> Give everything<br /> And have no regrets.<br /> Life&#039;s too short to be anything but happy &lt;3<br /> - Audrey Hepburn

I made a decision, I made a choice
Can you hear that inner voice
Attempting to be heard, wanting to be listened to
No, I won’t listen to it
No, I will go through with it
On and on it shouts
Turning my insides out
“Go back, say no”
On and on it goes
Bad may be good, even though it doesn’t seem that it should
Admit, you want the forbidden fruit
Calling your name, you’re spellbound
Kind, and sweet- the voice comes from the ground
Intimidating, but luring
Not to be used for your curing
Time is short, and the time is now
I understand, that it is all wrong somehow
“Me and you, we are quite alike”
Everything grows silent, and the voice feels like spikes
And now is when the choice has to be made
Now is when you must decide
Do you take a chance, and have a little fun
Cherish the moment, and do what can be done, only once
Have you begun to cry?
And feel like you need one more try?
No dearest, it is alright
Go to bed, close those weary eyes,
Even thought you won’t sleep tonight
Worried that everyone would be ashamed
Have a seat, tell me your name
And everything with be fine
Tell me, have you ever thought of
What teenagers have been taught of?
Allowing them guide lines, to make the proper choices
Still giving them the opportunity to give into those other voices
More and more decisions must be made
You mustn’t need to worry today
For fate has been set,
And your loose ends will be met
Take a deep breath and know
Everyone makes mistakes, you are not alone

The author's comments:
I submitted this one earlier, until I'd realized, I had left out the G in change, so I edited it, and here it is again


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